These blocks will need to be replaced my apologies for this.

Fleet Support ships now use the new WeaponCore approaches so they should look a bit better.No really, go read the guide now! It's important!

Phasers, Disruptors and Polaron Cannons now generate heat on firing.Phasers will no longer damage themselves on firing.All Phaser ammo types now have the same 5km range.Torpedo effects optimised and improved.A new ammo type, the Charged Polaron Beam, has been added to the Polaron Cannon.Point Defence Torpedo Launcher has been added.Spatial Charge Launcher has been added.Starship window emissive blocks have been added.A set of Glowing Tritanium Armor Panels has been added (the new centred ones from Automatons will be added in a future update).VA:Q Torpedoes can also be fired from the Advanced Torpedo Launcher MK1.A new superweapon, the VA:Q Launcher, as seen in Lower Decks, has been added.

A new block, the Targeting Sensors, is required on all ships / stations in order for most of the weapons to work.See the guide for details as more weapons can now be customised than before. WeaponCore Server Config files will be reset due to the update and will need to be configured again.All weapon and ammo configs rewritten using the latest WeaponCore standard.Latest Update - Version 5.0The following is what's new in Version 5.0: