
Download storyteller
Download storyteller

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Children will learn how disobedience to God can have very serious consequences. In "The Rebel," a daring rescue goes underway after one of the toys falls into the Cafe fish tank! After all the toys are safe and dry, they all settle in for the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. So meet us at the Storyteller Cafe for miraculous stories about God's love for us. Children will not only be delighted by the friends at the Cafe, but also enriched by their message. The goal of the game is to create stories that fit the given title by using settings and characters that interact with. Developed by Daniel Benmergui and published by Annapurna Interactive, this game is set to be released in 2023. In each episode, children will see the Bible brought to life in a new, engaging way as the toys re-enact treasured stories from the Bible. Storyteller is an imaginative and thought-provoking puzzle game that lets players explore the art of storytelling. When the lights are out and the door is locked, the toys come alive at the Storyteller Cafe ! Join Pete the WWII pilot, Tex the lasso-wielding yo-yo, Gallop the happy-go-lucky horse, Tina the tutu-wearing elephant, and a myriad of other fun characters in this award-winning, 3-D computer animated series for ages 4-12.

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